義子俳句の視覚化(Visualized by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Lachmayer)3

1979 08, waiting for a monk― - snow does a dance for me - and white plum blossoms(白梅とわれに雪舞ふ僧待てば)

1980 18, end of spring - Buddha with a double chin - from all that incense

1980 23, writing a spring poem - on the paper wrap that holds - a pair of chopsticks(早春のうた記しおく箸袋)

1980 24, I keep the deep red - inside a pink plum blossom - at an arm's distance(紅梅の花芯あかきをうとみけり)

1982 23, Sunday walk - with the kids and there's a duck - with her kids along(子とあれば鴨も子づれよ日曜日)

1982 24, sedately - a duck carrying - her paddles

1982 25, baby - cooing to itself - butterfly noon

1982 26, tulip - looks like it's giving - a toast(ppt)

1982 26, tulip - looks like it's giving - a toast(mp3)

1982 27, end of spring... - Buddha statue worn so smooth - fingers slip right off(総身に手擦れの艶の暮春佛)

1982 28, in the half-light - nightingale not quite - getting it together

1982 29, night cherry blossoms― - calculating the best time - to leave

1982 31, digging up - bamboo shoots...butcherbird - singing along

1982 32, daytime moon... - stooping by a bamboo leaf - waiting for its fall

1982 33, from a high place - see bamboo groves go yellow - see May coming(高きより黄ばむ篁五月来ぬ)

1982 34, showered with blossoms - on the way home from passing - some time with Buddha(落花浴む御佛と刻わかち来て)

1982 35, soft hazy night... - tasting a mouthful I ask - someone a wine's name(ふふみては酒の名を問ふおぼろかな)

1989 36, can't see them yet - the bamboo shoots, but cracks - in the earth are wet(筍は見えず濕らふ土の○※土偏に虎冠、乎の下の4画)

1990 01, at Hokuetsu - the sea endless...thunder - in the time of rains

1990 02, I lay down my cane - and rest...a rainy-season butterfly draws near(杖捨てて憩へば寄り来梅雨の蝶)


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